CERN's LHC project is firing its first beam today 5:00pm AEST
it could do one of a couple of things -
1. it could fuck up and do nothing at all
2. it could do exactly what it is supposed to do
3. it could produce a black hole that will be so small that it will colapse in on its self
4. it could produce a black hole that that will start sucking everything in around it and in a short matter of time the world will be DESTROYED!!!!!!
cool huh??
the projectis said to be the largest scientific experment ever, its in switzerland / france and its huge

for those who dont know its a proton accelerator among other things and today the first shot will be fired to try and reproduce the conditions just after the big bang to further understand how everything works...
there will be a webcast at, visit it now to get an intro to cern but at 5:00pm it all happens. This will be a defining moment in history even more the moon landings (which seem to be more and more in question) its a shame no one knows or understands this is happening.
So go, watch and be a part of history, if nothing else have a look at the website at
Its the End of the world as we know it!!!! Be a part of it :D
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