so i thought i would provide some visuals to keep every one up to date
this one is before i got them out
these ones is after i got them out
and this is my exam time look.... notice the concerned serious face the fuzzy hair and the beard, that only comes from the repetition of waking up then studying and then falling asleep once again for a month.
however once exams are over, i can shave everything but the mo, get a hair cut and then i will look right for movember, how awesome is that mo going to look :D
talking about exams i have my last three exams tuesday, wednesday and thursday at 8:30am AEST so on thursday, at 11:30 when i finish my exam, there will e nothing left to do except go to the bar because everyone else is at work and i dont want to just go home and do nothing.
THIS SEMESTER WAS EPIC AND I NEVER WANT TO DO IT AGAIN, i think finishing is cause enough for celebration :D
oooooooh i wants to touch it!! lol freeeaky
i guess youre not the formerfurface no mooore
oh no, dont do nothing inside! do nothing outside! hahahaha .. have fun 'xaming, i can hear the clink of the drinks alredy! so clooose :D
Aiksss... eeee, scary ....
you know they have wax for that crack hair need to post, and I loved how you put pointless banter in his place
What are you studying?
mechanical engineering
are you a brainiac? what do mechanical engineers do?
you have some lovely hair. I would like to smell it
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