any of you have read my blog for long enough will know i have not had the most succesful run so far. But here we go again
I think its really horrible for other people cause im always like " ^^ " now (please excuse my emote, it is really the best way to describe how i feel). I met her on New years Eve, She was a friend of a friend, and it all went down very weirdly. Because i wasn't supposed to be at the party in the first place.
I turned up to my friends house, and everyone was in the pool and i was already dressed and stuff, so i didn't want to get in. So i hopped in the kitchen to help make cocktails.
Yeah wooh!!! so much fun, i didn't make them, i just tryed them out....
in the mean time a couple more people came along and i got introduced to all of them, one of which was from mozambique and had portuguese liniage. so i was impressed with that and we had a chat while drinking made up cocktails. and then it came time to leave.
so after 30min of telling people its time to leave we got out the door :D
so off we went... we arrived soon after, so we hada few drinks before the festivities. I just happened to sit down next to a beautiful girl, and we started talking about the silliest things, so i got up and i asked her to dance, so i grabbed her by the hand and took her to the dance floor. and we danced and danced and danced...
i stayed with her the whole night and then she was going to come and sleep next to me but one of the other girls said im not sleeping here he snores ><>
instead we played cards till morning and then i got a little sleep
we lazed around all day,
i just wanted to jump on her but i thought that would be a bit awkward seeing as i just met her, so i left it she went home then i went home later
i added her to facebook... i thought that was a good move :D
then all of a sudden she added me on MSN, so we got talking and then for some reason we thought it would be a good idea to go see a movie, get dinner and go clubbing as friends
we unfortunately had to cut the night short...
i ended up trying to find my car in a closed shopping centre carpark at 5:00am, >< . it was a while before i was able to convince the cleaners to open it up so i could get my car out.
The next week, all the friends had decided to get together to see a movie, and her and i had decided go and visit a confectionary warehouse before hand, so once we had done that we went to the movies, now to everyones shock we had arrived together, and that got people asking questions. Then i had the friends asking me if they could "help" it along. That had me scared cause i didn't know what they were going to do but it all went well.
It came to the next week and there was a 21st on a house boat to which we were both invitedand we were both spending 2.5 days there together out on the water, and that just seemed to seal the deal.
So... after all i have said and done.
It all just flew out the window
And apparently i have a Girlfriend now ^^
Congratulations. That's sounds like a nice way to get together. Make sure you enjoy it.
To be continued huh?
Woo-hoo! Congratulations! Become best friends, too!
Liz aka Busy Lizzy
hahaha yeah thanks guys ^^
it sure was a nice way to get together ll&l
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