Monday, May 18, 2009


You don't know stressed until you have been called up by a frustrated truckie wanting to see you at 6:30 in the morning.

You see i am trying to ship donated goods out of the country

and shipping companies are used to dealing with other companies not a uni student with no shipping experience, now over many conversations with the reps at the shipping company they have become very lenient. Truckies, on the other hand, whom i have met once, was a little frustrated that it was taking me too long to do the paper work. 

so he said bring it with me in the morning... in the mean time they have said it was going to rain and if it does my containers can't be picked up

So i have to wait until the morning 



Stressed and Waiting

Sir Almo


munchkinhugs said...

OHNOES. now i see why you are lame with them. shallllll i come and stab them for you ?
shall i? shall i? (it'd give me an excuse to come up north..! haha)

.. at least you will now have experience with shipping companies and truckies!!

Anonymous said...

aw, you're donating goods, where?
I never had a problem with shipping companies before, don't they have places like FedEx or UPS that ship international.
I hope your good arrive safely. Don't be stressed, it makes your telomeres shorter lol (lame science joke sorry)

RnB said...

Like sensicology says, aren't there things like FedEx, UPS, etc with varying options for international shipping of small, personal goods. It's always awful if you can't just give the shipping company what you need to give them, have a tracking number, find out from the person that you're mailing to that they got it.

unnecessary stress is all the more aggravating because of what it is, unnecessary

Bendz said...

Stress ?!? We've to face such situations in our daily life. Cool. Take it easy.

Stress Release

Anonymous said...

I work from home full time, and sometimes don't get out of the house for days at a time.

Now i'm a little jealous of your job. Sometimes I miss that physical labor work I do when the economy is good, and get that feeling of self worth.

Naomi Jane said...

dont stress yourself man..just take some deep breaths and relax...

Anonymous said...

You have to start somewhere my friend, But well done for trying to do this even with the judgement from the truck drivers.. keep going Sir Almo.


fragileheart said...

Oh no! You poor thing. I really hope that its over for you soon and that you get to relax and come back on twitter!!