Sunday, June 14, 2009

2 Out of 4 and an Overseas Trip to Go

So Today is my first day off in what is to be another exiting examanitation period. With 2 down and 2 to go spirits are high amongst the "study" camp tonight, with little to no work being done. All in preparation for the anual "Cram Til Exam" night, and this season is of to a great start.

Thats what i would sound like if i was to be a commentator for my own life

As i mentioned above it is exam time and i am very busy but i am taking today off because it is sunday and i don't have my next exam until thursday. Once i have finished exams i will be taking a trip to Papua New Guinea so there will be a preiod where i will have no internet presence....

But !!

I shall be back on the 19th of july, back in time to begin studies again but more importantly spend time with you guys

it's unfortunate that it has been a while, because i have been busy. When i get back you won't know what hit you, things like Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Blogcatlog and anyother places i Frequent will be totalled and you guys will have the chance to have input into what sort of things i do, and seeing as when i get back from PNG i will have ample time i wouldn't mind colaborating on a few things.

Soundspasms (though on hiatus now) will be up and running full swing with i hope enough time to bring you a few songs a week, If you guys want to read whati have done already i have written up a random blog post button that you can just click and it will take to a random post ^^.

so now for the rest of the day you guys can comew join me at Blogcatalog while i put together some tracks and make a mash up and put it into my Dance mix

'Til we meet again

Sir Almo


Farmer*swife a/k/a Glass_Half_Full said...

Hey! I've been wonderin' how my Sweet pal of a Knight in Shining Stainless has been!

I've been super to the duper busy too! Way to go on the exams... funny your trip destination includes the word guinea because we adopted one a few weeks ago for our 'indoor' pet. LOL!

Okay, maybe only funny to me but you'd have to be in my world to get it!

Send me a link to your blogcatalog page (I'm still learning my way around there) so I can be sure I have you added as a friend. I know I've seen you visit me via there; I'm just not so swavey with the system! :-)
FYI, after exams and the vacation, are you going to get back to work on my stainless stallion?

Mama needs a clean, shiny ride! (U'r other readers won't get that and think I'm a freak. LOL!)

Happy "It's still Saturday Here" Sunday!

munchkinhugs said...

wish you didn't have to run away though ):
your cram till exam night saying is awesome.. is that stock standard up there?

DUDDEEEE we are SOOOOOO making a YT collab video when you get back aye!
YES YES YES.. two collabs! one to follow on with the other- you can edit one and i'll edit the other..