Friday, July 24, 2009

I'm Back

Did you miss me??

you may have noticed my absence or my gradual decay in internet use over the past month followed by my absence from the internet....

Well Guess What??

I'M BACK!!!! :D :D

What i was doing will forever remain Super Secret Squirrel amongst those who actually know me in the real world. The fact of the matter is that i am back and i am now not gowing anywhere for a while so i shall engage with you. Over the coming weeks i would really appreciate comments, just to let me know you read and so i can get to know you a little better :D :D

That way i can give shoutouts, like:


heya sweetheart, hows it been? planning on coming online anytime soon?

You see muchkinghugs is one of the "most awesomest peoples" i have ever met. and whenever i get the chance i will tell people about her works (not today though :P , you can look for it yourself if you want)

i would go into a bit of depth but for now i must go and tend to all my other bits and pieces

lookim yu :D

Sir Almo


Razzle said...

Almo, you HAVE TO tell us why u were absent, otherwise we won't read your blog :P

Sir Almo said...

BAHAHAHA!!! real nice ^^

read the post before this one :P

munchkinhugs said...

i missed your presence lots.
there's so much we need to chitchat about!

but but that's not for the public world, so i'll chitchat with you on msn or faceybook (:


Hot Chocers said...

I came up with the word "heya" Copyright!!.....ok you can use it :P

Farmer*swife a/k/a Glass_Half_Full said...

I know where you've been. Workin' on that stainless, stallion for me! :-)