Monday, October 13, 2008

Bloggers, Read This!!!

all bloggers i found something in my internet travelsand think you should help us out for a good cause.....

the first thing i want to show you is

On October 15th bloggers everywhere will publish posts that discuss poverty in some way. By all posting on the same day we aim to change the conversation that day, to raise awareness, start a global discussion and add momentum to an important cause.

Every blogger has a unique voice, audience and perspective. By speaking to their readers on topic about an important issue we can discuss global issues like poverty in a new and hugely multi-faceted way. And from discussion springs action.

the second

"Why Should You Participate?
The bloggers of bloggers unite have created what is the only global blog initiative designed to harness expression in support of human rights and issues in need of highlight. Refugees United is the only online, highly secure and anonymous possibility of refugees to reconnect with family. "

the same thing except on the 10th of november talking about refugees

ive done my bit for now by placing to little image links in the sidebar and will be discussing these issues on the day

So..... Do your bit, join in and help make an impact on the world in a different way

add the links, tell everyone and most of all post on the day, and let everyone know to have the biggest impact. the more people that join in the more people we will reach :D

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