Monday, November 30, 2009
So... things are being said about me
I would like to state here and now i don't care what any of you have to say, i am happy and if you are not happy for me then whatever...
I am not sabotaging her, she is taking everything out of proportion and worst of all she hasn't consulted me about it. she is telling stories behind my back.
I loved her wholely and completely and still do but loving some who doesn't love you is heartbreaking and i have nothing to say to her purely cause i don't know what to say.
yes it is true we have to work together on occasion, it was not to spite, it was because i was asked to, pure and simple.
yes i have someone new in my life, but we are technically still not together (a couple) yet.
but now that i know these things are being said I feel sick in my stomach. I don't want to do any of my work anymore.... :'(
P.S I write this post in the given context of in which my Ex joined the discussion to give her opinion
NOTE: some references are with regards to her (the EX's) blog which is worth the read, go check it out
-Sir Almo
Friday, November 20, 2009
A month has passed
the time has now gone, never to be had again.
it was spent in various ways, but for the majority of the time it was spent with "the one" mentioned below (in the previous post).
and once again i can tell you all that i am in love
that is correct LOVE
mind you its not too hard, i mean you spend all of your time with someone you can't help it. first of all it's amazing that i can want to spend that much time with someone. second of all it's even more amazing that they want to spend that much time with me. I have always taken the view that i am somewhat annoying and not normal. but for some reason people keep attaching themselves to me.
Can you tell me why that is???
Can you tell me if you have done or had the same???
get back to me
Sir Almo
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Torn Between Conflicting Dreams
Some of you may have known of my offline relationship with @hot_chocers, and those of you who are close enough to me will know that we gone our separate ways. This was completely by surprise for me. My grandmother came to visit me and at one point we had a lengthy discussion on whether science and spiritually were integral or independent. I met someone ^^ that i really like but i am a little hesitant to start a full blown relationship with her. I don't want to work where i work anymore... i am bored. I have been sick, Soooo sick that i have missed out on 2 weeks that i could have been working on my uni stuff so i am now on antibiotics.
...But... I hear you ask ~~ why the conflicting dreams??
I have come across the notion that this is all nothing but a dream and that infinitely we move from dream to dream. For me it's not so much a spiritual notion and more of wants and needs based thing. I am not a one track person but I am finding it harder and harder to jump the tracks.
I will write other posts later on the topics above
Sir Almo
Friday, September 11, 2009
Has It Not Been Hectic?
Saturday, August 29, 2009
i have a friend
Sunday, August 2, 2009
3 am
Friday, July 24, 2009
I'm Back
Sunday, June 14, 2009
2 Out of 4 and an Overseas Trip to Go
Monday, May 18, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Monday, May 4, 2009
It's so Early
- do an assignment,
- email a few people,
- listen to the twilight audio book
- make a video for youtube
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Sideways / Sidewards
I Love You
Friday, May 1, 2009
More Twitter XD
Twitter once more
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Sir Almo and the City
Thursday, April 23, 2009
- i can look up videos to embed in my blogs
- people can send me videos to embed in my blog
- people can see their accounts and send them videos
- i can post videos of my own up there
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Chocolate twestival
- You are to take the chocolate we give you
- Share it with your followers
- Your followers are encouraged to do the same
- if you run out ask for more :D :D
- You can give your followers as much as you have to give, no more!!!
- when sending use the hash tag #choctwestival
- @sir_almo
- @libertygrrrl
Sir Almo
Monday, April 13, 2009
Hmm..... So....
Friday, April 10, 2009
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Saturday Meme (even thought it sunday)
The 6 people I'm going to tag are:
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Busy Times (CTU #3)
for that i am sorry
but i am here now for a few minutes ^^
i have been studying and spending heaps of time with my girlfriend.
i have been on twitter a lot though
my project is going well and i have started a new one, but the first one is almost over ^^ . shipping is going to happen this week which is awesome.
so yes lots of stuff to do... i shall be back soon
but i need to get back
so i'll catch you guys later ;)
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
She knows about us
Thursday, March 12, 2009
So.... i like you ^^
Sunday, March 8, 2009
I can't believe it
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Just A Quiet One
Friday, February 27, 2009
100th Post

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
i have started uni
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Death, Love, Fires, Parties #5
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Death, Love, Fires, Parties #4
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Death, Love, Fires, Parties #3
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Death, Love, Fires, Parties #2
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Death, Love, Fires, Parties #1
i have to go.. but over the coming days i am going to spill my guts about all that has happened over the passed couple of weeks, now that i have returned from my break
Thursday, February 5, 2009
My Grandfather
My Grandfather just passed away
so that is all
Sunday, February 1, 2009
So... i've been busy lately
I am back after a very intense planning and action spree for my project, and i have now completed fixing and treating the beds to go to PNG.
I have been more and more interested in learning Portuguese (my first language) because as i have forgotten a vast majority of it. I can barely string words together let alone sentences, but alas i try because it’s something i need to do.
I have plenty of polish friends and have also started to learn a little polish
It would be really awesome if i could find people who are willing to have a conversation with me in these languages, i figured it would be really beneficial to me to do this in a forum type setting where i can take my time to post a legible response :D
Tomorrow i'm going to the hospital that donated all the equipment to learn all the tech bits for my project. I’m so exited......................... :D
Alright bye now
I have things to see and people to do
Monday, January 19, 2009
The Answer To My Last Post
So the other night i was supposed to meet up with friends in the valley. I was at work and couldn't attend the party but i knew they were going to be in the valley later that night, so it was all good.
I finished work and got out to my car and realised i didn't have the right shirt in my car. I had finished early so i figured I’ll just pop home and grab a shirt so that’s what i did. I was driving along and sent a message to my friend asking where he was so i could meet up with him, no answer. I arrived home and ran inside to grab my shirt, i said bye to every one, and off i went. i gave him a call and no answer... and another call no answer, i figured i might as well head in any way, cause his phone might have a flat battery, so i went and parked near the hospital, and walked in and as i was doing so i messaged a few people to find where he was....
I got one answer, and it said "nup i don't know where he is" ... useless.
so there i was walking queen street mall, and i saw a friend that i hadn't seen for about a year, and then i got dragged along with them, after a few clubs, we stop at one place and sat down to have a few drinks, one of my friends went to get a drink and came back. She said “hey i met this polish guy and he is really tall,
OMFG.... i know this guy
I ran out to the bar, and there he was. this was the same guy who replied to my text, oh man, so that was cool and so we were dancing and drinking the whole night, and it came to the end of the night and this chick i knew from school had attached herself to me, so i gathered everyone who was left and we went for breakfast. I had a chicken Caesar salad. After eating that and while talking to every one, this girl managed to fall asleep on my lap, it was cute but awkward.
then i didn't think about it before but my plan was that i would crash at my mates place but after all that had happened it didn't seem like that was going to happen so i had to trek it back to my car from the city :(
I did meet a nice homeless Aboriginal man though we talked for an hour and a half. I found out that he used to be a drover and then when the mines came there was no land left so then he used to ride in rodeos, but after a while at that he had to move on. He was a very good singer and we talked about music for a large portion of that time. He had a little stereo with a cd of "the carpenters".
So i arrived home had a shower tried to get some work done but fell asleep next to the computer, nice and refreshed this morning ;)