Monday, April 13, 2009

Hmm..... So....

So i haven't been around, probably due to the fact that that my project and twitter are taking all of my time

i would like to say that my girlfriend is taking up all my time but thats just not true... unless she is online... in which case the majority of my attention goes to her

i am "holidays" at the moment, and i am very tired, but everything seems to be very inconviniently timed at the moment

but thats ok i have chocolate :D :D 

we had a nice lunch yesterday for easter sunday, we ate chicken rice and salad........ t'was awesom :D

nothing like the food you grew up with ^^

i got @mumchkinhugs into twitter, and now she is as addicted as i am

but at the same time i seem to be gettin more readers for this blog...

i'm not sure why... i think soundspasms is sooo much better

maybe people just like the idea that they can see what i am thinking... is it really that interesting??? maybe i should leave it at that tell me what you think?? 


visit me on twitter @sir_almo



munchkinhugs said...

I find you interesting!
Remember? Other people also find you interesting!

All your followers are girls =P

AND btw, YES you got me addicted to Twitter XD

Razzle said...

As long as you have chocolate!

Anonymous said...

Ha! I'm a moron! If only I'd read the more recent posts! Glad to see you're in happier times in this relationship! :)