Monday, November 30, 2009

So... things are being said about me

I for the most part would not care if it were not for an Ex of mine who has perpetuated useless discussion about my self and what i am like at BC and on her blog.

I would like to state here and now i don't care what any of you have to say, i am happy and if you are not happy for me then whatever...

I am not sabotaging her, she is taking everything out of proportion and worst of all she hasn't consulted me about it. she is telling stories behind my back.

I loved her wholely and completely and still do but loving some who doesn't love you is heartbreaking and i have nothing to say to her purely cause i don't know what to say.

yes it is true we have to work together on occasion, it was not to spite, it was because i was asked to, pure and simple.

yes i have someone new in my life, but we are technically still not together (a couple) yet.

but now that i know these things are being said I feel sick in my stomach. I don't want to do any of my work anymore.... :'(

P.S I write this post in the given context of in which my Ex joined the discussion to give her opinion

NOTE: some references are with regards to her (the EX's) blog which is worth the read, go check it out

-Sir Almo

Friday, November 20, 2009

A month has passed

so a month has passed since my last post.

the time has now gone, never to be had again.

it was spent in various ways, but for the majority of the time it was spent with "the one" mentioned below (in the previous post).

and once again i can tell you all that i am in love


that is correct LOVE

mind you its not too hard, i mean you spend all of your time with someone you can't help it. first of all it's amazing that i can want to spend that much time with someone. second of all it's even more amazing that they want to spend that much time with me. I have always taken the view that i am somewhat annoying and not normal. but for some reason people keep attaching themselves to me.

Can you tell me why that is???

Can you tell me if you have done or had the same???

get back to me

Sir Almo

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Torn Between Conflicting Dreams

This is the first time i have felt the need to blog for a while, as you probably will have noticed, things have happened.

Some of you may have known of my offline relationship with @hot_chocers, and those of you who are close enough to me will know that we gone our separate ways. This was completely by surprise for me. My grandmother came to visit me and at one point we had a lengthy discussion on whether science and spiritually were integral or independent. I met someone ^^ that i really like but i am a little hesitant to start a full blown relationship with her. I don't want to work where i work anymore... i am bored. I have been sick, Soooo sick that i have missed out on 2 weeks that i could have been working on my uni stuff so i am now on antibiotics.

...But... I hear you ask ~~ why the conflicting dreams??

I have come across the notion that this is all nothing but a dream and that infinitely we move from dream to dream. For me it's not so much a spiritual notion and more of wants and needs based thing. I am not a one track person but I am finding it harder and harder to jump the tracks.

I will write other posts later on the topics above

Sir Almo

Friday, September 11, 2009

Has It Not Been Hectic?

Well i have been gone for a while... but not really..

I have been here, just in the background

With almost ridiculous amounts of study an research I have not paid enough attention to this blog.

but I am still here

and will continue to be here

so i will see you around sometime soon


Saturday, August 29, 2009

i have a friend


She has made a video and we are looking for video responses

check it out..

make your own..

post it..

and we could make something awesome with it (remember to post it as a response so we can see it)

Sunday, August 2, 2009

3 am

So it's 3 am and i can't seem to sleep, i have so many things to do that i keep running it over and over in my head and it is keeping me awake. I was told that at times like this all you need is to take a deep breath and get enough sleep but at the moment that seems really difficult.

I don't feel tired....

I had maybe 2 hours sleep at the most so far. When i try all i can think about is what i am meant to do.

Over and over and over

Its so repetitive, yet i seem to find some new way of looking at things or a new idea every time i start going to sleep

So what do you think?

Should i try to get back to sleep?

Sir Almo

Friday, July 24, 2009

I'm Back

Did you miss me??

you may have noticed my absence or my gradual decay in internet use over the past month followed by my absence from the internet....

Well Guess What??

I'M BACK!!!! :D :D

What i was doing will forever remain Super Secret Squirrel amongst those who actually know me in the real world. The fact of the matter is that i am back and i am now not gowing anywhere for a while so i shall engage with you. Over the coming weeks i would really appreciate comments, just to let me know you read and so i can get to know you a little better :D :D

That way i can give shoutouts, like:


heya sweetheart, hows it been? planning on coming online anytime soon?

You see muchkinghugs is one of the "most awesomest peoples" i have ever met. and whenever i get the chance i will tell people about her works (not today though :P , you can look for it yourself if you want)

i would go into a bit of depth but for now i must go and tend to all my other bits and pieces

lookim yu :D

Sir Almo

Sunday, June 14, 2009

2 Out of 4 and an Overseas Trip to Go

So Today is my first day off in what is to be another exiting examanitation period. With 2 down and 2 to go spirits are high amongst the "study" camp tonight, with little to no work being done. All in preparation for the anual "Cram Til Exam" night, and this season is of to a great start.

Thats what i would sound like if i was to be a commentator for my own life

As i mentioned above it is exam time and i am very busy but i am taking today off because it is sunday and i don't have my next exam until thursday. Once i have finished exams i will be taking a trip to Papua New Guinea so there will be a preiod where i will have no internet presence....

But !!

I shall be back on the 19th of july, back in time to begin studies again but more importantly spend time with you guys

it's unfortunate that it has been a while, because i have been busy. When i get back you won't know what hit you, things like Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Blogcatlog and anyother places i Frequent will be totalled and you guys will have the chance to have input into what sort of things i do, and seeing as when i get back from PNG i will have ample time i wouldn't mind colaborating on a few things.

Soundspasms (though on hiatus now) will be up and running full swing with i hope enough time to bring you a few songs a week, If you guys want to read whati have done already i have written up a random blog post button that you can just click and it will take to a random post ^^.

so now for the rest of the day you guys can comew join me at Blogcatalog while i put together some tracks and make a mash up and put it into my Dance mix

'Til we meet again

Sir Almo

Monday, May 18, 2009


You don't know stressed until you have been called up by a frustrated truckie wanting to see you at 6:30 in the morning.

You see i am trying to ship donated goods out of the country

and shipping companies are used to dealing with other companies not a uni student with no shipping experience, now over many conversations with the reps at the shipping company they have become very lenient. Truckies, on the other hand, whom i have met once, was a little frustrated that it was taking me too long to do the paper work. 

so he said bring it with me in the morning... in the mean time they have said it was going to rain and if it does my containers can't be picked up

So i have to wait until the morning 



Stressed and Waiting

Sir Almo

Saturday, May 16, 2009


I spent the last 2 days at @hot_chocers (from twitter) house, and i miss it.. it doesn't feel the same in my bed anymore

Yes its nice and warm...

Yes its comfortable...

but i missed having her next to me, i have never done this before. i have always come back to my bed and it has been awesome, so then what changed??

until thursday night i had not seen her for 2 and a half weeks so it was a very, special occasion for us i guess but we were both tired from studies and work and things so we ended up getting some canned soup for dinner....

YAY how romantic :P

but some thing kept us together, i didn't go and do the things i needed to do the next day and she did the same... we just hung out in bed all day and did the same the next day until about miday

i had to work XD (stupid work)

so now i am here at home... alone waiting for work to begin so that i can earn enough money to cover the clothes that i bought the other day

when will i see her again?

hopefully tomorrow, cause i'm going to strangle something if i can see her for another week or 2, because i will be going to PNG soon for 3 weeks and in that time i will have no access to her at all :(

we'll see

Sir Almo

Monday, May 4, 2009

It's so Early

Today the plan is to go to uni and:
  1. do an assignment,
  2. email a few people,
  3. listen to the twilight audio book
  4. twitter
  5. make a video for youtube
now making a video has been on my to do list for a while, but i need suggestions ... otherwise i will ramble

So tell me what you think should be in my video??

Sir Almo

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Sideways / Sidewards

So i have been told off about my use of sidewards....

to me... if you use towards, forewards, backwards

then... we should use sidewards


i have been told off... because in english apparently their is no continuity / syncronicity in the words we use.

Apparently it is 


now that seems silly to me...

Sir Almo

I Love You

It had to be said at somepoint and it was said this weekend.

i was very very happy ....

But i found out that because of our conversation (that i mentioned a couple of posts back) she didn't want to say it first.

She is being really shy about it all and because of it i am a little reluctant to say it 

Which is a little awkward 

Friday, May 1, 2009

More Twitter XD

so for the second time today i have exeeded my tweet limit XD

why can't they just give me a bigger account?? ... i picked 30 -40 followers  and i have to talk to them all ..

Sir Almo

Twitter once more

i have once again reached my tweeting limit XD

i will catch you guys next time ^^


Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sir Almo and the City

Isn't it interesting that you can see something that changes your perspective on so many things, but you will never actually use it to implement change. I mean everyday you take in so many Bits of information waiting to be processed. And we will sit around and do menial things to pass the time, but what if we were to pay attention to everything that was happening around us, the other day i was on the bus on the way home and i pulled out a book and wrote down things that i noticed around me. on a 15 min journey i had written 2 pages of notes on observations of happenings around me. Now it doesn't take a genious to know that that is a lot of information of minor details over a short period of time, and it definately doesn't take much to tweek it to tell a story.

Yesterday i was watching sex and the city and and i noticed the entire idea of the series was that the problems carie was having in real life, were going into her articles followed by a question. This got me thinking, could someone really do so much reflection in their life to be able to analyse single events in their life and define them to one question?? 

Bringing life down down to its bare essentials like on the bus gives you information that you would have otherwise missed, analysing events and situations to developan understanding of why and how things happen are another thing, but with the time we have can we do this? 

The select few who i would say would have had to be poor at one point or had a lot of free time on their hands.

I, for one dont...

which is unfortunate, but i got over it 

So then what am i to do??

What am i to do??

Sir Almo

Thursday, April 23, 2009


so i sarted a new youtube account recently to deal with all blog related stuff, and from twitter i have been inviting all my followers to become my contacts. 

This serves the following purposes:

  1. i can look up videos to embed in my blogs
  2. people can send me videos to embed in my blog 
  3. people can see their accounts and send them videos
  4. i can post videos of my own up there
Videos Sir Almo style ;)

So i was playing with my hat earlier today and my grandmother decided to film me and i thought i looked alright so i posted it up ^^ 

So now you guys get to see me aswell :D :D 

But hey at least this worked better than my twitter game XD , still i now know how to code a button in html XD 

Now putting my skills to use


Sunday, April 19, 2009

Chocolate twestival

So the rules are:

  1. You are to take the chocolate we give you 
  2. Share it with your followers
  3. Your followers are encouraged to do the same
  4. if you run out ask for more :D :D 
  5. You can give your followers as much as you have to give, no more!!!
  6. when sending use the hash tag #choctwestival

to recieve chocolate click the button below or tweet *supply choc* to any of the following
  1. @sir_almo 
  2. @libertygrrrl

Have a happy choctwestival :D :D 

Sir Almo

Monday, April 13, 2009

Hmm..... So....

So i haven't been around, probably due to the fact that that my project and twitter are taking all of my time

i would like to say that my girlfriend is taking up all my time but thats just not true... unless she is online... in which case the majority of my attention goes to her

i am "holidays" at the moment, and i am very tired, but everything seems to be very inconviniently timed at the moment

but thats ok i have chocolate :D :D 

we had a nice lunch yesterday for easter sunday, we ate chicken rice and salad........ t'was awesom :D

nothing like the food you grew up with ^^

i got @mumchkinhugs into twitter, and now she is as addicted as i am

but at the same time i seem to be gettin more readers for this blog...

i'm not sure why... i think soundspasms is sooo much better

maybe people just like the idea that they can see what i am thinking... is it really that interesting??? maybe i should leave it at that tell me what you think?? 


visit me on twitter @sir_almo


Friday, April 10, 2009


i reached the tweet limit just then as i was going to say goodnight to everyone 


no fair

they should all come here and see this :D :D 

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


I got my RSA today.... :D

Which means i can lawfuly and responsibly serve alcohol to customers......

it took three hours of boring lecture, but i got it finally


i'm off i'll catch you later, 

P.S if you don't all ready follow me on twitter ....... do so on @sir_almo


Sunday, March 29, 2009

Saturday Meme (even thought it sunday)

So Sadie tagged me in this meme


I never usually do this sort of thing

The rules are simple - I list 6 random things about me, then tag 6 more people. So, let's see...

1. i have a bongo drum in my room
2. when i was little (little little) i would write my name with the first letter back to front
3. i would love to be in music prduction but dont have enough time or money
4. i am eating hot cross buns at the moment
5. i participated in earth hour for the first time (due to the fact i was actually at home for it)
6. i have a birth mark the shape of a speach bubble

So............. that's my 6 random things :D

The 6 people I'm going to tag are:

3. jodi
4. llnl

there done :)

Saturday, March 28, 2009


i am tired.....

you may also be tired.... if you wish..... but only if i say so

i don't get to se my girlfriend as much as i would like too, because im busy and she's busy and or times off don't always match :(

but for a new relationship, what want to see more out of it, so i put as much into it as possible

we are going to see sneaky sound system on thurs at family ^^ awesome so i'll catch you guys later

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Busy Times (CTU #3)

so it has been insane lately and i have been neglecting my blogs.

for that i am sorry

but i am here now for a few minutes ^^

i have been studying and spending heaps of time with my girlfriend.

i have been on twitter a lot though

my project is going well and i have started a new one, but the first one is almost over ^^ . shipping is going to happen this week which is awesome.

so yes lots of stuff to do... i shall be back soon

but i need to get back

so i'll catch you guys later ;)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

She knows about us

I told her about this blog today, and she was cool with it, infact she thought it was healthy. but i don't think she is going to read it much, i think she will just forget

anyways i showed her SoundSpasms! and she thought i was pretty cool. so i gave her the link and she might read it i don't care... either way i'm going to keep writing.

have you guys read it?? 

Thursday, March 12, 2009

So.... i like you ^^

I had that conversation i was talking about, and it was a little awkward.

She understood though, which was good, i think it makes it easier for me to say when i actually want to say it... i have already said it so it has now been said and i think it makes me lighter. I don't have this thing of what is he going to think when i say it, :D :D 

i don't know ^^ 

the other day it was raining so we spent the whole day in a coffee shop talking

BAHAHAHAHA!!! i can't stop talking about her... i would say to regular readers you might want to expect more 

I do have one thing though

she is a "career girl" and wants to do a whole heap of stuff before "life" things happen and i'm not so idealistic and i'm more sparatic and whimsical.

but you should hear her laugh :D , i like it... it makes me smile

alright now i was supposed to talk about some other things but i guess i'll leave it at that Because its getting late

if you are a new reader then you'll probably want to read through some old posts to see the contrast in what i'm writing and you will get to know me that little bit better ;)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

I can't believe it

I can't believe i said "i love you"


i was just in the car and she was leaving and it just came out

i think it was a force of habit more than anything else

and you should have seen the look on her face >.<

she hopes it was a slip up, i hope it was a slip up

i hope this will all be good... but i can see this is going to lead to some in depth conversation

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Just A Quiet One


why is it that when we say something like "going to get a couple of drinks" or "going to have a quiet one" does it end up like this.....????

time after time, without fail.....

at the moment it is 10:38am and i have now been awake for an hour... i got home at 5:10am this morning and stumbled around for about 30mins while i sorted things out.

i don't think the that is much sleep... do you??


i don't know, because i feel fine at the moment.

this all started after gym yesterday, i was driving past a friends house and called him up to play soccer, he didn't answer so i drove home and just as i pull up he returns my call.... XD 

hey come out for a kick around

and so i did, we got talking about all this stuff, and out come the famous lines "why don't we go out for a few drinks??" now this is usually a good line but it was shortly followed by "but it won't be too late, im only out for a quiet one"... so with the standard set for the night off we went

walking down the street and out of the bus stop, pops a friend... but it took a few seconds for it to sink in, and we did the whole double take thing, it was funny you had to be there. So after a short chat she decided to tag along, and she offered to get us cheap drinks at her place of work. and so we went :D :D , one of her work mates thought it would be a good idea to spike her drink with a little bit of something. XD 

next stop was the valley.... time to hit the clubs... so we are running around like idiots i'm trying to  find my friends and look after our tag-along because she was waiting for friends.....

and they arrived... only 2 hrs after they said they would but that was ok because they were here now it was all good. an hour later those guys smokebomb on us XD . at this point we realised the drink was spiked.... now we couldn't leave her alone, she was able to look after her self because it wasn't that much but it was enough for us not to trust that she would be alright... 

so at 4:00am after visiting a few more clubs i decided it was time to go. so we went and got macca's and moved on to catch a cab and i got home sometime later

so now after all that i am going to study now with a mate on the other side of town, cause thats what mates do. but there is another party tonight

no drinking, and definitely an early night because i have to go to uni tomorrow

So... tonight it's just going to be a quiet one ;)

Friday, February 27, 2009

100th Post




So for my hundredth post i am so not going to recap everything that has happened since the begining cause that would be long boring and stupid...

i am going to say this 

You guys are awesomes for reading this and anything else you read in this blog

i would like to mention that i have another blog that i frequent called soundspasms, which is all about music look, listen, read, subscribe :D :D .

and special thanks to Munchkinhugs who has been there since the begining :D :D

and i will leave you with this

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

i have started uni

ahh wtf??

it still feels like holidays but i have to go to uni now :(

on the other hand i have started my final year project :)

i will update you later.......

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Death, Love, Fires, Parties #5


After Work the other week......


this story is better left untold ^^

Sorry guys

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Death, Love, Fires, Parties #4


you may or may not have heard of the bushfires in south east australia.

They have been particularly bad this year, with a total death toll so far of 187 and thousands of homes destroyed.

what you don't hear about is the floods that have happened in north east Australia, Click Here for a map, the floods have coverd an equivalent size of south australia 

and that shits me of cause i know people in both areas and all this money is going to the fire victims yet there are also hundreds of thousands stranded in outback queensland. So Boo to the red cross :P , i think that it should have been the fire-flood relief fund

the only difference is that way more people were dying in the fires than in the floods


i have a Big Unhappy Face for whole situation 

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Death, Love, Fires, Parties #3

So i mention Love ^^

any of you have read my blog for long enough will know i have not had the most succesful run so far. But here we go again

I think its really horrible for other people cause im always like " ^^ " now (please excuse my emote, it is really the best way to describe how i feel). I met her on New years Eve, She was a friend of a friend, and it all went down very weirdly. Because i wasn't supposed to be at the party in the first place.

I turned up to my friends house, and everyone was in the pool and i was already dressed and stuff, so i didn't want to get in. So i hopped in the kitchen to help make cocktails.

Yeah wooh!!! so much fun, i didn't make them, i just tryed them out....

in the mean time a couple more people came along and i got introduced to all of them, one of which was from mozambique and had portuguese liniage. so i was impressed with that and we had a chat while drinking made up cocktails. and then it came time to leave.

so after 30min of telling people its time to leave we got out the door :D

so off we went... we arrived soon after, so we hada few drinks before the festivities. I just happened to sit down next to a beautiful girl, and we started talking about the silliest things, so i got up and i asked her to dance, so i grabbed her by the hand and took her to the dance floor. and we danced and danced and danced... 

i stayed with her the whole night and then she was going to come and sleep next to me but one of the other girls said im not sleeping here he snores ><>

instead we played cards till morning and then i got a little sleep

we lazed around all day,

i just wanted to jump on her but i thought that would be a bit awkward seeing as i just met her, so i left it she went home then i went home later

i added her to facebook... i thought that was a good move :D

then all of a sudden she added me on MSN, so we got talking and then for some reason we thought it would be a good idea to go see a movie, get dinner and go clubbing as friends

we unfortunately had to cut the night short...

i ended up trying to find my car in a closed shopping centre carpark at 5:00am, >< . it was a while before i was able to convince the cleaners to open it up so i could get my car out.

The next week, all the friends had decided to get together to see a movie, and her and i had decided go and visit a confectionary warehouse before hand, so once we had done that we went to the movies, now to everyones shock we had arrived together, and that got people asking questions. Then i had the friends asking me if they could "help" it along. That had me scared cause i didn't know what they were going to do but it all went well. 

It came to the next week and there was a 21st on a house boat to which we were both invitedand we were both spending 2.5 days there together out on the water, and that just seemed to seal the deal.

So... after all i have said and done.

It all just flew out the window 

And apparently i have a Girlfriend now ^^

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Death, Love, Fires, Parties #2

So my grandfather died a short while ago, he was on his way to the bus stop, and colapsed on the side of the road. he had heart attack. By the time the Ambulance arrived it was too late

my grandfather was a gambler and a smoker. He learned english so he could talk to me.

He was always very busy, and always looking out for everyone else.

Thats who he was   

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Death, Love, Fires, Parties #1


i have to go.. but over the coming days i am going to spill my guts about all that has happened over the passed couple of weeks, now that i have returned from my break

Thursday, February 5, 2009

My Grandfather

I had so many things to tell you today but i will leave you this

My Grandfather just passed away

so that is all

Sunday, February 1, 2009

So... i've been busy lately


I am back after a very intense planning and action spree for my project, and i have now completed fixing and treating the beds to go to PNG. 




I have been more and more interested in learning Portuguese (my first language) because as i have forgotten a vast majority of it. I can barely string words together let alone sentences, but alas i try because it’s something i need to do.


I have plenty of polish friends and have also started to learn a little polish


It would be really awesome if i could find people who are willing to have a conversation with me in these languages, i figured it would be really beneficial to me to do this in a forum type setting where i can take my time to post a legible response :D


Tomorrow i'm going to the hospital that donated all the equipment to learn all the tech bits for my project. I’m so exited......................... :D


Alright bye now 

I have things to see and people to do

Monday, January 19, 2009

The Answer To My Last Post

So the other night i was supposed to meet up with friends in the valley. I was at work and couldn't attend the party but i knew they were going to be in the valley later that night, so it was all good.


I finished work and got out to my car and realised i didn't have the right shirt in my car. I had finished early so i figured I’ll just pop home and grab a shirt so that’s what i did.  I was driving along and sent a message to my friend asking where he was so i could meet up with him, no answer. I arrived home and ran inside to grab my shirt, i said bye to every one, and off i went. i gave him a call and no answer... and another call no answer, i figured i might as well head in any way, cause his phone might have a flat battery, so i went and parked near the hospital, and walked in and as i was doing so i messaged a few people to find where he was....


I got one answer, and it said "nup i don't know where he is" ... useless.


so there i was walking queen street mall, and i saw a friend that i hadn't seen for about a year, and then i got dragged along with them, after a few clubs, we stop at one place and sat down to have a few drinks, one of my friends went to get a drink and came back. She said “hey i met this polish guy and he is really tall,


OMFG.... i know this guy 


I ran out to the bar, and there he was.  this was the same guy who replied to my text, oh man, so that was cool and so we were dancing and drinking the whole night, and it came to the end of the night and this chick i knew from school had attached herself to me, so i gathered everyone who was left and we went for breakfast. I had a chicken Caesar salad. After eating that and while talking to every one, this girl managed to fall asleep on my lap, it was cute but awkward.


then i didn't think about it before but my plan was that i would crash at my mates place but after all that had happened it didn't seem like that was going to happen so i had to trek it back to my car from the city :(


I did meet a nice homeless Aboriginal man though we talked for an hour and a half. I found out that he used to be a drover and then when the mines came there was no land left so then he used to ride in rodeos, but after a while at that he had to move on. He was a very good singer and we talked about music for a large portion of that time. He had a little stereo with a cd of "the carpenters".


So i arrived home had a shower tried to get some work done but fell asleep next to the computer, nice and refreshed this morning ;)

Saturday, January 17, 2009



work again... 









just...  maybe... just...... maybe....

we'll see

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Munchkinhugs - blog letter 1

How are you munchkin??

this is a Blog letter, you should send one back as soon as you get this its a quicker alternative to snailmail but not as instant as IM and not as impersonal as E-mail,

i have been good, i found its hard looking for Vac work, and my project is being difficult again but i remain positive that it will get done :D

how are your work / Vac work searches going??

i see you have been doing and are going to do a whole bunch of IRL-life stuff ;) , have fun... eventually i will find a way to to be a part of this IRL-life stuff once again, i think you party way too much... you are becoming a wild child

eventually i think you will get bored and come back to the realisation that the blogosphere (or bloggosphere) is your real home, it is your destiny to return to us

Yours Sincerely

Sir Almo

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Re: Depression!!!

im posting, cause  i haven't posted for a while.

i don't know how long its been but my last post had a few people chatting :S... i didn't mean for it to be something big or attention seeking in fact, its weird, i don't usually get so many readers all at once. the point of that was not the depression its self but a way to vent, to tell someone at the least. i don't actually have depression or at least its not diagnosed. It was something i was looking at to describe how i was feeling at that point in time and one thing led to another which resulted in that post

now it was very nice of you all to offer your support, and postive messages and all the rest, but i assure you that those actions can push some one further into a depression, because its makes them feel useless.

in laymans terms

imagine you feel really sad and you have no idea why, and everyone is trying to cheer you up. a normal person would just take it and move on and by the next day..."yeh whatever". A depressed person may behave somewhat differently, you will try to cheer them up and they will feel hopeless, and then you may say things like come on *something somthing* (e.g. its not that hard  or  you can do this) and when they can't you make them feel useless because obviously its something everyone else can do but why can't they.

its not a matter of god either, because i have seen plenty good religious families devistated by depression, and they worst part about it all is that it can increase the need to be normal and therefore increase the feelings of uselessness.

also telling a depressed person that they are not depressed is not the best idea either, you will make them feel insane. something along the lines of "if im not depressed then how come i feel this way?? why can't i stop it??". when someone says that it really makes you question yourself. what am i thinking?? is it real?? is it all in my head??.

telling them to get over it, will most definately drive them insane and infuriate them. Again because they can't just get over it, a frustration builds.

Now obviously i have given you a few hypotheticals but in all honesty doing any of these things to a depressed person can result in the above feelings,

feelings of sadness, uselessness, insanity, frustration, anger. 

and people misunderstand the situation and continue the cycle, perpetuating the depression to the point of no return.  

just something you may want to consider next time :D