Monday, December 29, 2008


google defines it as
  • a mental state characterized by a pessimistic sense of inadequacy and a despondent lack of activity
  • sad feelings of gloom and inadequacy
  • depressive disorder: a state of depression and anhedonia (an inability to experience pleasure) so severe as to require clinical intervention
Now if you have read into my blog, you may have come across this, now something i didn't mention was that before i met her she was traumatised by some pretty nasty things and was forced to grow up a little quicker than most. anyway this led to a deep depression, which i subsequently was subjected to. Now after all this time i am started to think that my exposure to her condition, though it taught me a lot about people, may have infact caused a depression in me.

symptoms as defined by reach out


  • Feeling sad, moody or crap
  • Feeling hopeless or helpless 
  • Feeling numb or empty
  • Feeling anxious 
  • Feeling guilty and blaming yourself
  • Unable to feel good or enjoy things that you do normally


  • Being overly self-critical
  • Believing you can't cope and that things are out of your control
  • Difficulty making decisions and thinking clearly
  • Poor concentrating and memory
  • Thinking about suicide or ending your life


  • Lack of motivation and energy
  • Crying a lot
  • Losing interest in activities you usually enjoy 
  • Withdrawing from your friends and family or being overly dependent on them
  • Increased use of alcohol or other drugs
  • Losing your temper more than usual


  • Loss of appetite or over-eating
  • Changes in sleep patterns - difficulty getting to sleep, waking up in the middle of the night or sleeping for longer
  • Headaches or stomach aches 
  • Feeling physically sick
  • Lack of interest in sex
im not going to tell which ones they are, So thats them. Now another organisation had a test on their website, i ranked at medium risk and was only a couple of points away from high risk, which really suprised me, cause i didn't think it was that bad, i mean i feel normal, yeah people think im a little weird but i've been like that for as long as i can remember.

now i know that, if i were to go and check this out and it was to be true, then i would have to go through therapy and i honestly can't be bothered, i sat through years of that crap and it wasn't even for me. 

I also don't want antidepressants are for me either i have seen how they change people. its crazy

now to make things worse all of my friends have dissapeared for the holiday period so i really don't have anyone to talk to anymore, and i think that it is loneliness that gets me the most, it's really when im at my worst.

but what am i to do???

if this keeps up, the future doesn't look so good for me


Spiritual Blogger said...

So, are YOU depressed?

Ironic, you have such good humour on the BC forums, mate :-( Listen, you should talk to someone professional if you are feeling out of sorts. Its nothing to be afraid of. These people studied their asses off to listen to others and help them sort out their problems. If you are a student, you could possibly get a good deal.

Think about it.

munchkinhugs said...

Hey Jase,
I did disappear for a few days, but if you need anyone to talk to, I'M HERE!
SMS me, call me, MSN me, I'm here for you mate.

We are part of the same EWB family after all.

Chin up darl.

footiam said...

Hey! You are not depressed are you? This is foo tiam, the one who procrastinate. I hope you are fine over there! Your friends may not be around but even if they are, you can be pretty lonely if you allow yourself to be. Take care of yourself, won't you? And drop a line for me once a while too, in my blog or my old threads at Blogcatalog. I just saw on from you, Hands up, your life or your money; so, I figure I come a visiting! I'll disappear soon for TV, as usual!

Anonymous said...

I am certainly always here for you and you can drop me a Shout anytime. You know we can talk about anything. Depression is something to treat and it is very serious. Trying to say active and finding friends who you can escape with in laughter and love is a good move and I am here for that. So hang in there and don't forget to drop a shout if you want to holla.

footiam said...

How do you spend your new year?