Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Fuck Yeh!!!!!

todays post was supposed to be about poverty in support of blog action day but instead i am going to tell you that i succesfully raised $30k to help the empoverished people of PNG, speciffically in their health system...

i am currently running an engineers without borders project that aims to do this. link in the sidebar-------(thataway)------>>>

this allows us to build ties with the community in order to develop a partnership where by we can give them what they need/want (rather than dumping useless or over technical things on them), teach them how to use and maintain what we give them so they are less reliant on us and more reliant on their own community

remember poverty is something we can help... whether it be just a simple blog today, or following a cause like mine do your bit and the world will be a better place for it.

something i heard once (dont know where it is from)

"you may feel like a drop in the ocean, but the ocean would be less if it weren't for that one drop"

good night people

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yessss i was wondering to myself how you did it... hummm*... And i say youre a "young lad" but really youve got an old heart methinks haha most ppl our age are trying to raise 30G for their done up cars.. etc..loool..sorry im kind of going on a blog reading/commenting rampage atm..