Sunday, October 12, 2008

Pecking order

i was going through my usuall routine this morning of cheecking all my online stuff and read a post of someone i follow, (its ok people i stay 20ft away at all times).

So a little while ago i decided to see what would happen if i stalked (followed) as sir almo and not anonymously.

anyway..... im reading through this post and left my comments only to realise a section down the bottom that had my little head in it and thought "what is this????"
Minions/Followers/Loyal Subjects
so apparently im no longer the king of my domain. kicked off my high horse to be replaced droped in rank to minion.......


thats like being that guy that the horses step on so they dont get their hooves muddy when walking outside,
Shame on you!!!
no..... not really, i had the biggest laugh when i saw that... thank you (you know who you are) for brightening up my day :P

1 comment:

munchkinhugs said...


So far, I only have two minions, but you horse mats will be a bigger clan.. soon =D