Monday, October 6, 2008

My Last Resort

i have found that recently i spend way too much to doing nothing on the net when im actually meant to be doing things. i do actually end up doing them...... only at the eleventh hour (and then beyond). its a shame cause i know im good at this stuff its just that procrastination is so much more attractive and entertaining.


~~~~My solution~~~~

after much deliberation with my skilled team, i came up with a solution only a great mind could come up with. a plan of such brilliance, style, class with a subtle hint of cockyness.

i created a study blog...

i "Plan" to use this blog to make sure that i regularly do all the things i need to. i havent got anything there at the moment (partial because i am writing this) but i am working on it. so have a read when there is stuff there you may learn something

(warning: subjects discussed in blog may contain high levels of maths, if you experience discomfort during the reading of this blog cease immediately, if discomfort persists, see you local mathematition)

1 comment:

munchkinhugs said...

I'd planned that with my youtube. It never happened.